Coaching & Counselling with Melli O’Brien

You’re here because you’re ready for positive change. 

And you need a tailored approach because your challenges are as unique as you.

With one-on-one coaching and counselling sessions, you will receive individualised and high touch support tailored to your specific needs. 

These one-on-one sessions are designed to help you unlock your inner strength, target exactly where you’re stuck and give you the insights and tools you need to deepen your mindfulness practice or personal growth path.

Coaching gives you the accountability, the plan, the techniques, tools and support to create big transformation, growth and change in a relatively short amount of time, allowing you to turn things around, break free from unhelpful patterns, unlock your potential and take empowered action for positive change.

My Approach

My coaching style involves a psycho spiritual approach I called the deep resilience method. I combine mindfulness techniques with cutting edge and evidence based mental strength tools and counselling. After almost all sessions you will receive a tailored plan of practices to do in between sessions to help you remain resilient, wise, empowered and balanced.

In terms of how I work, if I had to generalize, deep resilience works in three broad areas to unlock your inner strength.

1. Developing mindful awareness

Mindfulness works in two ways. Firstly, it helps us let go (unhook) of the mental emotional patterns that pull us into suffering, stress, disempowerment and overwhelm. Secondly it helps us to contact, over and over and over again our deeper nature and the wisdom, clarity, calm and courage innate to it. Over time we learn to stabilise ourselves in awareness and find greater freedom and peace of mind ongoing. 

Mindfulness also supports us in having a regulated and grounded nervous system. Using mindfulness techniques I’ll guide you to release unnecessary stress, anxiety and tension both in the body and the mind and stay rooted in more ease, wisdom, calm and mental clarity. This will help you to respond (not react) to the circumstances within you and externally, in your life. 

*Developing mindfulness skills doesn’t always mean you have to meditate. Meditation is very helpful, however it’s not right for everyone, and in my work I can offer a wide variety of mindfulness based skills for you to use, many of which only take a few minutes to master.

2. Overcoming mental-emotional obstacles

In each session we will take time to specifically target “what’s in the way” of you being able to stay connected to the inner strength you’re looking for as you navigate what is happening in your life. Using a combination of evidence-based resilience tools, relaxation and mindfulness practices we’ll guide you through the resources to support you to break through and rewire the patterns that aren’t serving you and hardwire in new supportive, flexible and nourishing ways of thinking and living that help you flourish and thrive.

3. Engaging in empowered action

By consistently taking action that is intentional and aligned with your values and your hearts deepest desires you will shift you from feeling overwhelmed, anxious or helpless to instead feeling more calm, confident and in control. In this part of our work together we bring inner strength to the outer world and make real meaningful changes in your life and in the world. 

For long term mindfulness practitioners or those on a personal growth path, this is the realm of embodying. That is, taking what you may have glimpsed in meditation or through other practices, and integrating into the fabric of everyday life. This is the shift from self realisation to self actualisation. This is often where the really big work is done to bring our practice off the mat/cushion and into the world.

Who is this coaching for?

If you are looking for support in overcoming mental-emotional-behavioural struggles, navigating hard times with greater resilience, calm and wisdom or developing on your mindfulness or spiritual growth path these sessions are for you.

Many of my clients are also folks who want to learn mindfulness, accelerate or deepen their mindfulness practice both in terms of meditation and integrating mindfulness into daily life. So if that sounds like you, you’re in the right place. I’d love to coach and support you in developing your practice and will give you all the tools, support and home practice to support your journey.

*I also offer mentorship for mindfulness teachers, therapists and coaches who want to further develop their work or their business. Just feel free to book a single session and we can explore how I can help.

I really look forward to supporting you in your journey.



Handle the challenge life throws at you with wisdom, empowerment and skill.


Unwind stress and anxiety and feel happier, calmer and more clear headed.


Let go of the stuff that's holding you back and dragging you down


Develop the mindset, clarity and focus you need to perform at your best and make your dreams a reality.


Rewire unhelpful ways of thinking and living and develop more adaptive, flexible and helpful approach


Find greater freedom and peace of mind as you stabilise yourself in mindful awareness and connect more fully with your deeper nature.

Hi, I’m Melli,

  • I’m an internationally known educator and coach in the mental health space, specialising in mindfulness and mental resilience training.
  • Over the past two decades my courses, retreats app and coaching have helped over 1 million people around the world.
  • I’m the co-founder and co-host of the app
  • I’m co-founder and host of the mindfulness summit (the world largest mindfulness conference. A not for profit project that has donated more that $750,000 to mental health charities around the world)
  • I am the creator of the ‘Deep Resilience Method’. A trademarked method blending the fields of positive neuroplasticity training, mindfulness, peak performance psychology, stress reduction tactics and neuro linguistic programming into a psycho-spiritual approach to mental resilience that gets real results.
  • In 2024 Mindful magazine named me one the the most powerful women in the mindfulness movement and industry experts have called me a leading authority on the topic of mental strength.
  • After completing my first qualification in mindfulness in my 20’s I was hand selected to come and teach retreats ongoing at Australia’s largest ashram. Having taught literally hundreds of retreats, courses and classes both live, online and on apps and coaching so many folks over the years I have a wealth of experience in helping people to overcome mental struggles, transform their state of mind and tap into their greatest inner strengths.
  • My passion for this work stems from my own first hand experience of overcoming depression and an eating disorder through using the tools I share with others now.
  • I’d love to help support your journey to finding greater strength, wisdom and happiness in your life.


"Melli is a leading authority on the topic of mental strength. Her methods have been forged in the heat of life experience along with decades of contemplative practice. I highly recommend her, both as a person and as a leader and innovator."

Vidyamala Burch
Author of ‘You Are Not Your Pain' &
Founder of Breathworks

"Melli is the world's leading expert in the field of mental strength. Her groundbreaking work is changing lives and has the power to change how we think about mental health."

Matt Dickinson
Founder & CEO of

The tools given by Melli in her incredible mental strength training course is one investment in myself that I’ve made. The benefits keep expanding into more areas of my life than I realised. I am able to address that negative talk I so often engaged with, through the simple exercises offered in the course that are so powerful. I have gained a new relationship with my mind that I can now work with so much more easily.

Gillane Bull

“Being mentally strong is not just a luxury but a necessity in these times we are living in. For me to be able to make a difference, make my business and my life everything that I want it to be, stay resilient in the face of the many setbacks I face as a purpose led entrepreneur, I need to keep my mind resilient, positive and purposeful. Melli’s mental strength coaching gives me the support to do that.”

Alicia Navarro
CEO of Flown

What to expect when we work together

I will be a non judgemental, supportive and compassionate presence for you AND I will simultaneously hold the space for a higher standard for what’s possible for you. I will also hold you accountable to making the changes you commit too. I’ll lovingly and safely push you further into your potential and power. And I’ll be a support and companion for you as you walk through your darker days or into your higher mental-emotional and spiritual potentials.

Together we will progress, step by step, to shift from feeling stuck, stressed, disempowered and overwhelmed to feeling deeply rooted in confidence, love, calm and clarity.

I’ll give you the support, accountability and tools you need to transition into an inspiring and meaningful new life. It doesn’t always happen overnight (or in one session) but I will show up 100% and be committed to working with you and seeing you through to the positive results you’re looking for and put all the support and tools in place to ensure you continue your upward spiral going forward.

What to expect as a result of our coaching sessions

  • Overcoming overwhelm – Uncover practical tools to calm your mind, become more present moment and banish overwhelm and find your calm.
  • Navigating Change Skillfully – In times of transition and uncertainty, you’ll learn to embrace life’s changes with confidence, ease and resilience.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety – Build the inner strength to manage difficult situations effectively, take charge of negative thoughts, become non-reactive and remain grounded and strong in the face of the uncertainty of life and the future.
  • Calm and confidence in crisis – You’ll successfully cope with high stress, shock and times of intense difficulty, finding your centre in the present and adapting to the unfolding of a new world in the future.
  • Better Sleep – Learn invaluable tools and practices to allow deep rest, and improve the quality of your sleep.
  • Improved relationships – Increase self awareness and your ability to regulate your emotions to reduce automatic reactions and learn tools to navigate conflict.


8 x Coaching Sessions

Bonus item valued at $450.

When you book a 8 sessions package you get The Deep Resilience Toolkit which includes:

  • Sleep suite meditations to help you sleep better at night
  • Calm-in-crisis 7-day course
  • 10-day mindfulness course
  • SOS suite of meditations and on demand coaching for difficult moments
  • Relaxation meditations to reduce stress and find calm
  • Mental Strength Suite; targeted meditations to develop inner strengths
8 X 60 minute calls on zoom Empowered action plan Mental wellbeing plan deep resileince toolkit valued at $450
110USD per session
Single coaching session

What to expect as a result from our coaching session

  • Overcoming overwhelm
  • Navigating Change Skillfully
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety
  • Calm and confidence in crisis
  • Better Sleep
  • Improved relationships
1 x 60 minute call on zoom

Cards we accept in our secure checkout

Format, Timing and Frequency

The work I do with folks one-on-one ranges from the occasional sessions with someone who just needs an answer to a question or support with a specific challenge to consistent, weekly work that spans a period of years or deep immersion retreats over a series of days or even a week. For deep immersion we often do four sessions a day over a day or days allowing you to drop into a restorative retreat to relax, rejuvenate and emerge armed with powerful new tools that will last a lifetime. Different periods of your life will call for different things.

As we get to know each other over time we will get a sense for where you are in your life and what would support you best ongoing and we can figure out other ways of working together that may not be listed here. Together we can find the best frequency and level of support you would like ongoing in your life if you want that. There is flexibility in ways we can work together.

It is fine if you want to gift sessions to others; just email me and I can set that up for you.

Cancelation & Rescheduling Policy

When you book, you will receive a confirmation email that includes a link to reschedule your session if needed. My policy around this is simple: These are no refunds for coaching sessions but you can reschedule as many times as you need to as long as you do so 24 hours prior to your session. Within the 24 hour limit, sessions cannot be moved, and refunds cannot be given.

As seen on...


Should I book 8 sessions or just 1

To create significant change or to rewire a mental pattern often requires a bit of time, practice, coaching and repetition. I recommend giving it 8 weeks of work with me to really create a solid transformation. A 8 week container of consistent practice with accountability and support can make a huge amount of headway in creating lasting, deep changes. If you want to deepen or accelerate your personal growth an 8 weeks concentrated period can give you very good results.

Single sessions are intended to hone in and focus on one issue you’d like to solve at a time and give you tools and guidance to support you in your daily life. This may be how to deal with a recurring thought pattern or reactive pattern, work through a meditation block, make a big decision or improve some aspect of your mental health, performance or relationships. I will usually give you audios and tools to help work with your issue after our session and/or an activity or practice to take back into daily life.

You can book in 8 weeks of sessions with me here
You can book in a single session with me here