Helpful Habits

The Beautiful Mess Effect

There are times in our lives when things just feel… messy. Perhaps we are dealing with conflict, hardships, relationship difficulty,…

A Simple Tool to Break Old Habits

A Simple Tool to Break Old Habits As we go about daily life, we spend a great deal of time…

‘Have to’ mindset vs ‘choose to’ mindset

There is a huge body of evidence that shows that our mindset is the foundation for high performance, resilience in…

How to listen to your emotions (and why it matters)

We all experience difficult emotions from time to time, especially in the more challenging times in our lives. And when…

In your darkest hour, remember this

We all have moments of pain and distress. When the demands of our lives stretch us to our limits. When…

Envy, the Thief of Happiness

In Christianity, envy is one of the seven deadly sins. In Buddhist teaching, envy is closely related to the term…

Perfectionism is the Destroyer of Love

Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Many of us throw around the term to describe ourselves when we are driven…

The Head-Heart-Gut Check In: A Mini-Meditation for Making Wise Choices

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. Less than a second: a simple yes or…

How to Tame Your Inner Critic

We all have a voice inside our heads, and for many of us it can take the form of an…

How to Unsubscribe from Unhelpful Thoughts

The human mind is a double-edged sword. On the upside it enables us to plan, solve problems, create goals and…

Seek first to understand, then to be understood

At the heart of all successful relationships lies good communication based on mutual respect and understanding. While this is beautiful…

Shame vs guilt

When it comes to staying mentally strong we need to be clear on the difference between shame and guilt. Sometimes,…