
Rich Fernandez
How to Bring Mindfulness into Your Work: A Mindfulness Masterclass with Rich Fernandez

Did you know that most of us will spend more than 60% of our waking hours of life at work?…

Hand holding flower
Finding Fulfilment in a Frantic World

What do you want from life? Once our survival needs are met we just want to be happy right? That’s…

Girl looking into sunset
Gratitude as a Gateway to Presence

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance. The wise grows it under his feet.” ― James Oppenheim Hey friends,…

Sunset with tree silhouette
A Four-Step Process To Navigate Grief, Loss and Heartbreak

Everyone has moments of pain and distress. We all have the tendency to struggle in those difficult moments. When the…

Tara Brach
How to Cultivate True Self Esteem, Overcome Fear and Develop Unshakable Confidence: A Masterclass with Tara Brach

Do you ever feel that you’re not enough? Not good enough, attractive enough, successful enough, not smart enough, etc? Ever…

The Head-Heart-Gut Check In: A Mini-Meditation for Making Wise Choices

Did you know you have one hundred million neurons (also called nerve cells or brain cells) in your intestines? The…

Sharon Salzberg
Mindfulness Masterclass with Sharon Salzburg: How to Cultivate ‘Real’ Happiness and Ease the Voice of the Inner Critic

Recently I interviewed world-renowned meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg. During this ‘mindfulness masterclass’ (video below) we explore what it means to find ‘real…

Jon Kabat-Zinn
The Deeper Dimensions of Mindfulness: An Interview with Jon Kabat-Zinn

In October 2015, I hosted the world’s largest mindfulness conference, the mindfulness summit, with over 250,000 people in attendance online….

The Pivot Towards Purpose: A Mindfulness Micro-Practice

Last week, I wrote the first blog in a three part series on ‘how to live with purpose. That first…

New Microsoft Study Shows Rapid Decline in Attention Spans

Eight seconds: that’s how long, on average, 2,000 participants of a study sponsored by Microsoft were able to focus upon…

R.A.I.N: A Four-Step Process for Using Mindfulness in Difficult Times

A couple of years ago, I discovered a 4-step mindfulness process that offers ‘in-the-trenches’ support for working with intense and…

How to Use Mindfulness to Work with Negative Emotions

There are moments in life that are hard, painful, scary and difficult to endure. There are times when we feel…