Feeling Weary? A Simple Question For a Worn Out Heart

Hey beautiful people, How are you hanging in there?

Man, we sure are living in overwhelming times right now. The political instability, racial injustice, and the pandemic have left many of us in a state of spiritual PTSD. With climate change and technological disruption looming in the background many of us are being pushed to the point of despondency and despair.

So if you’re feeling a little battle weary friend, know this: You’re not alone and there’s nothing wrong with you. This….this is tough.

These days the question that keeps guiding me back to actions of self-compassion and self-awareness is the question I invite you to pause to ask yourself right now. It’s simply this…

What do you need?

Do you need more rest? Do you need more support from friends? Do you need to say yes to something or perhaps no? Do you need to cry, play, dance, hug, talk to a therapist, eat a better diet? What do you need…honestly, really?

My invitation to you is to keep contemplating this question daily. Maybe even stick it on the fridge or the mirror. Let it keep reminding you to self care, to check in with yourself in an honest and loving way.

In a world where so many of us are feeling so disconnected, let this question reconnect you with yourself, over and over again.

I’m thinking of you, and wishing you ease, strength and presence.

With love,


PS. We are running a free 7-day Meditation Challenge starting this Friday on Mindfulness.com. It’s all about coming home to yourself and tapping into your power, your inner calm and your wisdom. Cory (my co-host) and I will teach you seven skills in seven days to help you get mentally strong and connected to meaning and purpose again.

I hope you can join us. Register here.

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