A while ago I wrote a blog post with 11 strategies to bring more mindfulness into your life but today…

Here is a typical start to the day that I know so many people have these days… Wake up to…

Do you ever call yourself names like ‘idiot or ‘loser’? Do you ever berate yourself for your mistakes in your…

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance. The wise grows it under his feet.” ― James Oppenheim Hey friends,…

Everyone has moments of pain and distress. We all have the tendency to struggle in those difficult moments. When the…

Did you know you have one hundred million neurons (also called nerve cells or brain cells) in your intestines? The…

Recently I interviewed world-renowned meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg. During this ‘mindfulness masterclass’ (video below) we explore what it means to find ‘real…

In October 2015, I hosted the world’s largest mindfulness conference, the mindfulness summit, with over 250,000 people in attendance online….

Last week, I wrote the first blog in a three part series on ‘how to live with purpose. That first…

Check out these wonderful mindfulness quotes. These are some of my favourites. Enjoy! and please also share your favourites with us…
Are you enduring restless, sleepless nights? Well read on because research is uncovering mindfulness to be one of the most powerful…