
The Emperor’s New Clothes: A Story About Embracing Authenticity and Courage

Have you ever done something that wasn’t quite authentic simply to impress other people? Have you ever gone along with…

How To Have More Empathy: Learn the Four Attributes of Empathy From Brené Brown

What is the best way to be there for someone when they are hurting or experiencing challenging times? How can…

Let’s Be Creatures of Paradox and Glory

This week I meditated deeply and felt a sacredness and a stillness at the heart of time. This week I…

Life is Like a Cup of Coffee

Stories are powerful teachers. I recently came across this one on a day when my head was spinning with problems…

The Parable of the Wooden Bowl

The following parable is a simple but powerful story that tends to stick in your head. Its lesson is one of those ones that will pop back into your mind and guide you in those moments when you need it the most…and we all need this story because it points out a common failing we can all be so prone to falling into.