
Brené Brown on Letting Go of Blame

When painful or difficult things happen in life, how do you react? Do you immediately want to know whose fault…

Living at the Speed of Life

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Let’s face it—we live in a world…

Can’t Shake the Feeling You’re Not Enough? Here’s Why

In today’s world, sadly, I think most of us feel that we are not enough. We believe our worth is…

How to Develop True Confidence (and Let Go of Approval-Seeking)

What is true confidence? There are a lot of misconceptions about confidence. People sometimes assume it’s a product of achieving…

Simplest Way to Settle a Busy Mind
The Simplest Way to Settle a Busy Mind

A simple, powerful, proven way to settle a busy mind so you can get it all done with more calm, clarity and enjoyment.

Why Mindful Listening Is a Radical Act of Love

When was the last time you felt truly seen and heard by someone? Can you remember what it felt like?…

Are the Things That Matter Getting Your Attention?

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~ Mary Oliver Are…

When You Don’t Know What to Do with Your Life

I have great news. You don’t have to know ‘what to do with your life.’ You don’t don’t need a…

The Power of Choice

We make decisions every day—from seemingly inconsequential choices, to larger ones that can affect the course of our lives. Part…

How a Non-Judgemental Mind Connects & Transform Us

When you first start to meditate, the first thing you discover (if you haven’t already) is the fact that you…

The Psychological Tricks Keeping You Online

App and social media companies use these three psychological mind hacks to keep you scrolling. Here is how they’re getting…

The Three Happiness Myths That Make Us Miserable

Happiness. We all want it, and people are constantly chasing and seeking it. But you may be surprised to discover that happiness isn’t as easy to figure out as you might think… and that true and lasting fulfilment can be found hiding in one of the most unexpected places.